Wednesday the 16th November
University of Newcastle, Newcastle
The conference is hosted at the Research Beehive at the University of Newcastle upon Tyne. The address is Research Beehive, Old Library Building (Level 2) NE1 7RU.
It is the building No. 25 on the attached campus map.
The program is also available as a pdf here.
- 10:30 Registration (COFFEE/TEA)
Session 1 — Chair: Gareth O. Lloyd (Heriot-Watt University)
- 11:00 Dr Pete Wood (CCDC)
Elementary Research: Gases, MOFs & the CSD - 11:30 Dr Mark Warren (Diamond)
Gas apparatus for in-situ crystallographic experiments on beamline I19 Diamond Light Source - 12:00 Dr Nick Funnell (STFC)
PEARL — high-pressure diffraction at ISIS
- 12:30 LUNCH
Session 2 — Chair: Katharina Edkins (University of Durham)
- 14:00 Dr Lauren Hatcher (University of Bath)
“Exciting” crystals(!): studying molecular photo-switches by in-situ Photocrystallography - 14:35 Dr Mike Probert (Newcastle University)
Low T to nearly no T – ultra low temperatures in the home lab
- 15:10 COFFEE/TEA
Session 3 — Chair: Simon Parsons (Edinburgh University)
- 15:40 Dr Iain Oswald (Strathclyde University)
Can the solvent of crystallisation impact on high pressure behaviour? - 16:15 Dr Stephen Moggach (Edinburgh University)
Guest Induced Flexibility and Structural Stability of Metal Organic Frameworks under Extreme Conditions
- 16:50 Final remarks/Discussion
- 17:05 CLOSE

This meeting has been kindly sponsored by Bruker