Do you know an upcoming and enthusiastic young crystallographer making cutting edge contributions to chemical crystallography?
Nominate them for the CCG/CCDC Prize for Younger Scientists 2024!
Chemical Crystallography Group and the Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre welcome applications for this prize which is given to a younger scientist who has excelled in the field of Chemical Crystallography. Nominations are welcome from any BCA member.
The person should normally of 35 years or younger on 01 January 2024, however we acknowledge that some candidates may have personal circumstances, e.g. career break, that can extend eligibility. They must also be available to give the Prize lecture at the BCA Spring meeting (25 – 28th March 2024, at the University of Leeds. The deadline for submission to the Chair of CCG (Mike Probert, Newcastle University) is Monday 12th February, 2024. Please click here to download the Young Scientist nomination form.
N.B. A previous version of this page and document stated an incorrect deadline – please take note of the correction.