The CCDC Chemical Crystallography Prize for Young Scientists

The Young Crystallographer Prize is sponsored by the Cambridge Crystallography Datacentre, and is awarded annually to an outstanding early career researcher who has made significant contribution to chemical crystallography and its community.

Call for Nominations 2024-25 Award

The call for nominations for the 2024-25 Young Crystallographer Prize will be announced soon. Stay tuned!

Eligibility for Nomination
The award is given annually to an young (< 35, except career breaks) researcher, who must be available to present their work at the Prize Winners' session at the following BCA Spring Meeting.

The award is typically made on the basis of published research within the scientific field of interest of the CCDC and BCA-CCG. Broadly, this corresponds to original research in the field of chemical crystallography or the application of crystallographic information to structural chemistry, including advances in instrumental, experimental, theoretical or computational techniques that contribute to the field.

A complete description of eligibility and rules is available online here.

Previous Winners of the Young Crystallography Prize

The YCP is awarded each year at the annual British Crystallography Association meeting in March.

2024 Dr Patrick Doheny, University of Birmingham
2023Dr Lucy Saunders, Diamond Light Source
2022Dr Hamish H-M Yeung, University of Birmingham
2021Dr Charlie McMonagle, ESRF
2020Dr Karen Robertson, University of Nottingham
2019Dr Sihai Yang, University of Manchester
2018Dr Claire L. Hobday, University of Bath
2017Dr Lauren E. Hatcher, University of Bath
2016Dr Mark R. Warren, Diamond Light Source
2015Dr Nick P. Funnell, University of Oxford
2014Dr Lynne H. Thomas, University of Bath
2013No BCA Meeting – No Award
2012Dr Gareth O. Lloyd, University of Cambridge
2011Dr Peter A. Wood, CCDC
2010Dr Stephen A. Moggach, University of Edinburgh
2009Dr Hazel A. Sparkes, University of Durham
2008Dr Kirsty M. Anderson, University of Durham
2007Dr Andrew Parkin, University of Glasgow
2006Dr Graeme M. Day, University of Cambridge
2005Dr Anders J. Markvardsen, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory
2004Dr Maryjane Tremayne, University of Birmingham
2003Dr Ivana Radosavljevic Evans, University of Durham
2002Dr David R. Allan, University of Edinburgh
2001Dr Claire Wilson, University of Nottingham
2000Dr Jacqueline M. Cole, University of Cambridge